Another paper was published!
A new paper has been published, concerning the modelling of plasma-surface interactions! See more under publications.
The first PREMiERE paper was published!
Our first paper has just been published. It deals with electron kinetics and the CO2 dissociation cross section. See more under...
Richard Engeln is visiting IPFN
Richard Engeln, from the TU/e and consultant of the project, will be visiting IPFN on the first week of November.
Loann Terraz joined PREMiERE
The PREMiERE grant at PhD level was assigned to Loann Terraz. Welcome to the team!
Olivier Guaitella is visiting IPFN
Olivier Guaitella, from the LPP (Ecole Polytechnique) and consultant of the project, will be visiting IPFN on the first two weeks of...
PhD grand under SYCAMORE assigned
The PhD grant under project SYCAMORE, in co-supervision between LPP and IST, was attributed to Ana Sofia Morillo Candas. We are looking...
PREMiERE is about to start!
The official start date is now set: June 1st, 2016. The adventure starts soon!
PREMiERE grant (PhD level): call open
The call for a 1-year renewable grant at PhD level is now open. Application deadline is June 15, 2016. Check the tab "opportunities" to...
PhD grant at LPP: call open
The call for a PhD grant under project SYCAMORE, in co-supervision between LPP and IST, is now open. Application deadline May 2016. Check...
SYCAMORE recommended for funding
Project SYCAMORE (Surface reactivitY of moleCular plAsMas for CO2 REcycling) was recommended for fundig by Labex Plas@Par hosted by...