Pedro Viegas is visiting IPFN
Pedro Viegas, from the Dutch Institute For Fundamental Energy Research (DIFFER) will be visiting IPFN and the PREMiERE team on 20 March....
Joost van der Mullen and Maryam Khaji are visiting IPFN
Joost van der Mullen and Maryam Khaji, from Université Libre de Bruxelles, have visited IPFN and the PREMiERE team on the 19 and 20...
Three more MSc theses completed with the team
Three MSc students from MEFT (Engineering Physics at Instituto Superior Técnico) have completed their MSc theses co-tutored by Vasco...
PREMiERE Workshop
The PREMiERE workshop will be held in Ericeira, 22-23 November 2018. We will have together all the team, consultants, and other worldwide...
Tiago Silva gives an invited lecture at ESCAMPIG
Tiago Silva will give an invited lecture next week at the ESCAMPIG conference! Congratulations to Tiago and to the all team for this...
New paper on CO2 vibrational kinetics
A new PREMiERE paper has just been published! It is a core paper, establishing the bases to model and understand vibrational energy...
Nikolay Britun is visiting IPFN
Nikolay Britun, from the University of Mons, is visiting IPFN between the 15 and 17 January 2018, to share is latest experimental results...
The first MSc thesis withing the project is competed!
Claudia Verheyen became the first student to complete a MSc thesis within the project! Claudia defended her thesis "Kinetic Modelling for...
PREMiERE is going interplanetary!
The work of the PREMiERE team lead to the proposal of using a somewhat similar technology to produce oxygen on Mars! A first paper has...
PREMiERE is making one year!
PREMiERE is making one year! A big meeting was held on Monday, July 17, with the presence of the full Lisbon team - including Marija...