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The Laboratory of Plasma Physics (LPP) was created in January 2009 by the fusion of the Laboratoire de Physique et Technologie des Plasmas (LPTP, CNRS, EcolePolytechnique) with the Centre d’étude des Environnements Terrestre et Planétaires (CETP, CNRS, UVSQ, UPMC). It pursues research into all fields of plasma physics, from hot to cold plasmas and from laboratory to space plasmas,combining theoretical, simulation and experimental approaches.LPP´s objective is to make significant contributions to the major contemporary international projects in plasma physics : spaceplasma research into the sunearthand other planetary systems, and the ITER project where magnetically confined hot plasmas willbe harnessed to achieve controlled nuclear fusion. LPP is also strongly involved with plasma technologies such as plasmas for nanotechnology,depollution,and plasma sources.


LPP is developing a series of experimental campaigns to study CO2 plasmas in different configurations, focusing on dissociation, gas phase characterisation and plasma-surface interactions. A PhD thesis within the framework of SYCAMORE, to start in September 2016, is made in co-supervision between IST and LPP and is accompanied by a twin PhD at IST, An additional research grant to study surface kinetics, including a stay at LPP, is available.

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